Educational Opportunities
Growing in God’s Word is vital for the life of every Christian. Mount OliveLutheran Church and School conducts an ongoing educational ministry throughoutthe year. All of the educational opportunities offered here are designed to helpgive us a deeper understanding of God’s Word and how that Word affects everypart of our relationship with our Savior. Participation is encouraged for our churchfamily and for all who desire growth in the knowledge and understanding of God’swill for His people on earth.
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School (9:15 to 10:15)Classes meet every Sundayfor those ages 3 years old through Grade 8.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship (9:30 to 10:15)This group meets every Sunday for high school aged youth. Studies discuss how God’s Wordspeaks to them, and how to deal with important issues in their life.
Adult Bible Studies (9:30 to 10:15)There are two studiesmeeting every Sunday, some on a given topic and others dealing with a specific Book of the Bible. Information on the adult study topics is in the Sunday bulletin.
Little Lambs Pre-schoolMorning and afternoon sessionsmeet for children ages three to five. Children experience various social andreadiness activities in a Christian atmosphere.
Lutheran Elementary SchoolFor children in Kindergartenthrough Grade 8, Mount Olive offers a unique Christian education in its full-time,State certified elementary school.
God’s Open House (All Ages)Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to7:30. Special programs for ages three through Grade 6; Youth studies and activities for those in Grades 7 through 12; a Sign Language class; and adultBible studies.
Vacation Bible School9:00 to noon for one week duringthe Summer. Children ages three years old through Grade 6 are involved in Biblestudies, art projects, and music activities.
Bible Study Groups
- 6:30am Tuesdays……..Bible Coffee (church)
- 9:30am Tuesdays…….Women’s Study (home)
- 9:30am Wednesdays…..Morning Study (church)
- 9:30am Thursdays……Mother’s Study (church)
- Various times:………Life Light (homes & church – intensive studyof books of the Bible)
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